12-05-23Pseudonyms in American History
12-02-23McNamara Fallacy
11-29-23Standard Causes of Human Misjudgment (Munger)
11-28-23The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Monte Carlo
11-27-23Razor and Blades Model
11-25-23Are Things Getting Worse?
11-23-23Duties of a Board of Directors
11-21-23Take Your Time Making Decisions
11-20-23The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
11-19-23The Catilinarian Conspiracy
11-17-23The AI-Neid
11-12-23Eroom's Law
11-11-23The Lucretius Problem
11-10-23The Call to Adventure
11-06-23To be, or not to be; ay, there’s the point.
11-01-23Mechanical Turks
10-31-23Regulatory Capture in the Railroad Industry
10-25-23Positioning Yourself Near the Opportunity
10-21-23The Silent Todo List
10-14-23An Intelligent Wikipedia
10-11-23Black Swan by Shakespeare
10-08-23The American Experiment
10-05-23Keep Going
10-04-23The Benefit of a Personal Notation
09-30-23Compression / Learning Duality
09-25-23Observer-Expectancy at Scale
09-23-23The Fundamental Attribution Error
09-04-23Why Fast?
08-31-23Imputavi, Computavi, Putavi.
08-24-23Adding Constraints
08-22-23Beating the Average
08-18-23Directly Responsible Individuals
08-17-23Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
08-15-23Learning Via Negativa
08-12-23Dark Mode and Marginal Benefit
08-09-23Bayes' Rule
08-05-23Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Feedback
08-04-23Focus On What Could Go Right (Not Wrong)
07-31-23Minimum Effective Dose and Discrete Outcomes
07-28-23Modern Samizdat Libraries
07-27-23Amara's Law
07-18-23Diffusion of Innovation
07-16-23Schopenhauer's 36 Stratagems for Winning Arguments
07-09-23Towards Technical CEOs
07-06-23Customer Obsession is the Only Winning Strategy
06-28-23Monopolizing Useless Resources
06-27-23Dark Patterns
06-24-23Clear, Simple, and Wrong
06-18-23Unforced Errors
06-14-23Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing
06-10-23Biography of an Idea
05-28-23Two Years of Daily Blogging
05-25-23A List of Things I Was Wrong About
05-22-23Twitter and the Idea Maze
05-13-23Taylor Swift and Launch Cadence
05-06-23Second-level Thinking
05-01-23Applications of Category Theory
04-20-23Peanut Butter Manifesto (2006)
04-16-23Everyday Fourier Transforms
04-15-23On The Shortness Of Life
04-12-23Imperative, Declarative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory Interfaces
04-11-23But / Therefore
03-24-23Remix Culture
03-14-23Gell-Mann Amnesia
03-04-23The Stoic Arrow
02-27-23More Art than Science
02-22-23Erdős Vocabulary
02-20-23Amdahl's Law and Optimization
02-15-23Ask Yourself Dumb Questions
02-14-23Carrying a Dozen Problems
02-06-23Applications of Gall's Law
02-02-23Optimal Stopping Theory
01-31-23Zero Interest Rate Policy Phenomena
01-27-23Eisenhower Priority Matrix
01-17-23All Models Are Wrong (But Some Are Useful)
01-15-23Output vs. Outcome
01-14-23Garbage In, Garbage out?
01-13-23Winning Ugly and The Metagame
01-09-23White Space
01-01-23Top Posts of 2022
12-31-222023 Predictions
12-28-22Reflections on 2022 Predictions
12-27-22Proebsting's Law
12-26-22Turing Social: Twitter, For Bots
12-25-22Christmas 2022
12-11-22Tarpit Ideas
12-09-22Elo Rating
12-08-22Spam Filtering AI Content
12-07-22Google Takeout and Data Portability
12-03-22A Conversation with ChatGPT
11-26-22Technical Posts Overview and Roundup
11-25-22Schelling Point
11-24-22Showing Up Every Day
11-21-22Excel for Developers
11-16-22Solving the Simple Case
11-10-22Information Barbell
11-08-22Decoy Effect
11-06-22Generational Advantages
11-03-22Man in the Arena
10-30-22And Yet it Moves
10-25-22Daily is the Product
10-18-22Richard Feynman and Narrative
10-15-22Getting Stuck in the Past
10-13-22The Middle Squeeze
10-12-22A Personal Training Corpus
10-08-22Risk vs. Uncertainty
10-03-22Screenshots as the Universal API
10-02-22The Steffen Boarding Method
09-28-22Simple Group Theory
09-26-22Startup Ideas I've Considered
09-25-22Hard to Compute, Simple to Verify
09-14-22The Inventor's Paradox
08-23-22A Short List of Cognitive Biases
08-21-22Tool-driven Scientific Revolutions
08-18-22Friction as a Proxy for Value
08-11-22Growing the Pie
08-08-22Braess's paradox
08-06-22On Unoptimizing
07-31-22Gacha Game
07-26-22Adverse Selection Examples
07-17-22Shannon's Demon
07-13-22Hotelling's Law and Differentiation
07-07-22Not Even Wrong
07-01-22Does Financial Policy Matter?
06-23-22Panic of 1907/2022
06-15-22Path of Least Resistance
06-13-22The Last Question
06-11-22Work Expands to Fill the Space
05-28-22One Year of Daily Blogging
05-26-22Computer Tips For Everyday People From a Software Engineer
05-24-22List of All Oblique Strategies
05-18-22Minsky Cycle
05-09-22The Economics of Seinfeld
05-04-22Correlation vs. Causation
04-27-22Path Dependence
04-16-22Annus Mirabilis
04-08-22Backwardation and Contango
04-01-22Type 1 and Type 2 Errors
03-29-22On Standardized Tests
03-26-22Carthago Delenda Est
03-24-22How to Negotiate a Car Lease
03-22-22Working on the Right Problems
03-19-22Gall's Law
03-16-22Problems with Daylight Saving Time
03-13-22Sword of Damocles
03-09-22Exponential Trends
03-08-22Ignore Sunk Costs
03-03-22What is SWIFT?
03-02-22Modus Tollens
02-24-22Remote Work Zealotry
02-20-22Order of Magnitudes
02-19-22Regression to the Mean
02-10-22Rickard's Law of Eponymy
02-09-22Optimization is Fragile
02-06-22Onion Futures Act and Saturated Channels
02-02-22Rethinking the PDF
01-31-22Keynesian Beauty Contest
01-28-22Flying-Car Syndrome
01-27-22Dumb (and Free) Interchange
01-17-22Monk's Window
01-12-22Reversing the Chicago River
01-11-22Veto Power and Decision-Making Process
01-09-22Maxwell's Equations and Bridges
01-07-22Wordle: What's the Best Starting Word?
01-04-22Strategy Beyond Markets
01-01-22Antifragile in 2022
12-31-212022 Predictions
12-28-21Russell Conjugation and The Great Rebranding
12-26-21Virtual Reality this Christmas
12-24-21Ownership in the Twenty-First Century
12-23-21Lost Art of Arch Linux
12-21-21Twitch's Gini Coefficient
12-17-21No Brown M&M's
12-16-21Top 10 Posts of 2021
12-15-2190% of Everything is Crap
12-14-21Unused Gift Cards are Great Business
12-13-21Metaverse and Other Words from Science Fiction
12-10-21The Leopard of Kilimanjaro
12-08-21Hollywood Accounting
12-07-21Direct Registration System (DRS)
12-06-21The Toyota Production System
12-05-21It's Impossible to Design a Watch that Only Tells Time
12-02-21The Most Entertaining Outcome is the Most Likely
12-01-21Jane Jacobs and Software Engineering
11-29-21Achilles and the Tortoise
11-24-21The Sailing Ship Effect
11-21-21The Gordian Knot
11-18-21Being Wrong on Hacker News
11-15-21Mining Crypto on My M1 Max
11-14-21No Time to Read Bad Books
11-13-21The Goat Behind the Door
11-06-21The Cloud Cost Era
11-05-21The Next Design Systems
11-04-21Rich Barton and Zillow
11-02-21Niche Communities
11-01-21I Miss The Programmable Web
10-31-21Chesterton's Fence
10-30-21Cloud Growth in 2021
10-26-21Kelly Criterion
10-25-21Remote Work for Developers
10-24-21Solving Supply Chain with a Tweet
10-23-21How Complex Systems Fail
10-18-21Zuckerberg on Platforms
10-07-21Running Fast
10-03-21Zawinski's Law
09-28-21A Hypothesis is a Liability
09-07-21As We Thought
09-04-21Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find?
08-27-21The Clever Hans Effect
08-25-21The Map is Not The Territory
08-21-21History of Silicon Valley: 1891-1956
08-18-21Hire for slope, not Y-Intercept
08-15-21Yak Shaving
08-12-21Signaling Against Asymmetric Markets
08-07-21Coding Classical Latin
08-03-21Silence Dogood and the Ben Franklin Effect
07-28-21Don't Break the Chain
07-26-21How to Spot a Made Up Number
07-22-21Orthogonal or Parallel Problems
07-21-21Be Lazy
07-18-21Code Poems
07-13-21The Potato Paradox
07-08-21Strange Loops
07-07-21The Taste Gap
07-05-21High-Velocity Decision-Making
07-04-21Makers of Patterns: Part 2
07-03-21Maker of Patterns: Part 1
06-30-21Jevons Paradox and Software Efficiency
06-28-21Survivorship Bias
06-22-21Reducing Errors in Decision-Making
06-21-21First Principles
06-17-21Observations of the Lindy Effect
06-07-21Problem Solving Techniques from Math
05-30-21A Mind at Play
05-29-21What's Measured Gets Managed
07-09-20Is Technology Making Us More Productive?