Annus Mirabilis

Apr 16, 2022

In the Great Plague of 1665, Cambridge was closed.

Isaac Newton used the time to develop a new theory of light, discover and quantify gravity and ... literally invented calculus.

Here I am, during the coronavirus outbreak, sitting on Zoom, trying to find a funny background.

— Matt Rickard (@mattrickard) March 9, 2020

I tweeted this when COVID-19 had only infected 100,000 people worldwide. Italy became the first country in the world to enter a lockdown.

The mystery of the miracle year by Dwarkesh Patel is a great blog post that's been floating around. It's actually synthesized a lot of topics that I've written about in a way that I could never. Dwarkesh explores the short bursts of intense productivity and discovery that great scientists had – Newton, Copernicus, von Neumann, and Gauss. It is worth the read.

Some ideas I've written about that are related:

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