Future is Not Evenly Distributed

Feb 1, 2023

"The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed" – William Gibson.

Many of us spend our time at the very beginning of technology S-curves – debating the next foundational model, the next edge runtime, and the next framework.

Sometimes that early focus makes it challenging to recognize the growth and maturity parts of the S-curve.

Most developers:

  • have never compiled a WebAssembly binary
  • don't know how to write a Dockerfile (or Kubernetes YAML)
  • use Java or C#
  • develop on a Windows PC
  • don't have a sophisticated push-to-deploy pipeline
  • don't use infrastructure-as-code to deploy their applications

Most companies

  • don't have their data organized cleanly in a data warehouse
  • don't use their data to make business decisions
  • don't utilize the cloud fully
  • don't use machine learning in any helpful capacity
  • don't have a real DevOps team (or ever will)

There's still a lot of growth left in many of these trends, and there's still a lot of work to bring them to the masses.

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